Poker players are always looking to gain position, and the term backdoor refers to specific turn cards they must hit by the time they reach the river. For example, this could involve landing two more clubs, or picking up a Queen, Jack, or King, to free up more space on the board while they are playing.
But the term backdoor in poker is wide-ranging, and it can cover anything from a backdoor flush draw, backdoor straight draw, backdoor gutshot, or even a full house.
While the term backdoor can be used to describe cards during flop texture, it is more common to use it when looking at hands on both the turn and the river.
For example, you hold the Ace 4 and the flop is the Queen 9 6. If you can hit a club on the turn, then this will give you a flush. However, backdoor draws are of little or inconsequential value by themselves as you won’t be getting sufficient implied odds to support the merit of backdoor draws.
In the following sections, we will assess in more detail how the backdoor in poker works by using it to explain its significance in a backdoor straight draw. We will also suggest some strategies that will help you get the upper hand over your opponent come the river stage.
The backdoor draw in poker is also known as two card draw. Quite simply, it refers to a play that leads to a good hand delivering unexpected results.
As such, the backdoor in this instance, refers to when you tie a hand with the fourth and fifth card on the turn and the river.
Typically, backdoor draws will have a direct impact on your poker strategy, especially when it comes to bluffing and check raise bluffs. Once again, board texture will go some way to determining this.
The backdoor in poker is therefore based on odds and probabilities and a few calculations will be made. However, if you are considering making a large bet before a backdoor straight draw, you should think twice before doing so, especially if you intend to make a winning hand.
The term backdoor in poker is quite expansive, covering areas such as backdoor straights, the backdoor flush, and double backdoor draws. We have explored these in more detail below, so you can familiarise yourself with the way they function.
With a backdoor flush, you will need to ensure you are holding two consecutive cards of the same suit to complete a flush. Contrary to popular opinion, a backdoor flush is more common than you think, and sometimes, you have to be a bit lucky to complete it. Typically, the odds of landing a flush will be around 5%.
The odds could pick up on the turn, but generally, the backdoor flush draws are quite weak in the context of a game.
As mentioned, you will need to hit a suit on the turn, which equates to 10/47, (0.212%), and to do so on the river, it works out as 9/46 (0.195%), and the overall odds work out as 23/1, so not that great in the grand scheme of things.
So, ideally, you would want to be in a capped pot pre flop with several opponents to stand a chance of getting your hands if you get a flush.
There are also occasions when a backdoor flush draw will be able to help you turn a fold into a call, and that includes holding two cards of the same suit in your hand and one hits the flop.
The backdoor straight necessitates that players will need the appropriate river and turn running cards to make the straight draw.
Using an example might help. In this instance, imagine an opponent has an ace of spades and a 7 of hearts. On the flop, you might see the following cards appear — 2 of hearts, 4 of clubs, and a king of spades.
So, if you were to hit a 3 or 5 of any suit on the turn or river, you would get a straight flush. With backdoor strategy, it is possible to get a flush and straight at the same time with one hand.
While a backdoor draw is more of a continuation bet in the game, frontdoor draw poker infers to a bet that is made early on in the board, and it will usually be before the flop. So, if you have a hand containing a Queen, Jack, or King before the big blind, this will be a hand worth calling.
The backdoor poker nuts will be unbeatable. You will be the envy of those around the board, especially when your opponent calls.
Bet your backdoors – This can be profitable, especially if you have a top pair that involves clubs and a king. You can win on an unintentional hand on different turns during a flush draw, generate more profit, and this will allow for a backdoor plus overcard hands.
Use the double backdoor – This can be an aggressive action if you want to make a straight or a flush by the river. For example, you could hold a 5 or 6 of Spade or a King of Spade, 7 of Hearts, and 2 of diamonds on the board. A double backdoor can be disguised hands to help with check raise bluffs.
- Hard to deal with backdoor nuts – This will be tricky to counteract, so aim for this. Our above example showed why this is the case.
- Use the floating technique – Float on the flop with the backdoor plus overcard hands in the blind, covering the small blind and big blind pots.
- Don’t overdo it – Always gamble responsibly on both the turn and the river.
A back door straight draw is possible from the flop, and if you can apply the techniques we have referred to in this guide when you bet, then you will be able to pick up a straight flush. Check out our poker games today for more inspiration.
⭐ What is extra equity in backdoor poker?
Some flush draw hands give you more bang for your buck than non-backdoor flush opponents.
⭐ What is extra folding equity in backdoor poker?
This involves getting more value when you fold your hands.
⭐ Can you bluff in backdoor poker?
Yes, but this is something you should consider carefully as shown by a previous example on this page.
⭐ Is runner-runner the same as backdoor poker?
Yes, as they both involve hitting needed cards, such as a pair on the turn.
⭐ Are backdoor draws easy to predict?
Backdoor draws are quite sophisticated in poker, so it is very tricky trying to correctly guess whether a player will be dealt king.